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State of the Gorgon

Hello guys, gals, and nonbinary pals!

I know it's been a while since I've done a blog post and an update is long overdue. Thank you for your patience!

I was struggling with chronic pain and dysphoria and it slowed down... well, basically everything in my life. I was forever low on spoons and medicated into the ground, exhausted and out of it. Thankfully, with a great deal of support from my wife, family, the Gender Identity Center, and Denver Health I was able to get the surgery I needed and killed two birds with one stone.

I feel SO different. I have energy, more hours in a day, little to no pain! It's like a miracle and I couldn't be more grateful. I'm excited to really dig in and get to work so that's what I've been doing. I got on the Patreon train and am writing two novels right before my patron's eyes along with extras like doodles, art, and personal antecdotes starting at just $1 a month!

This is where a huge chunk of my newfound energy is going, along with just generally building stamina and getting back in the swing of life in general. It's also the best place to see what I'm currently up to.

For those who aren't familiar, here's a handy little video that explains what Patreon is!

My Current Primary Projects Include: Horizon Roulette - The story of three queer youths who get lost on a hike and find themselves dropped into a strange fantasy world where an eccentric goblin and dryad heretic try to help them find their way home. (Available to all patrons $1 and up!) Medusa - The story of Medusa, as told from the point of view of her sister Stheno. (Available to all patrons $5 and up) Keyholes - A series of oil paintings. (Available to all patrons $1 and up)

I've already got a bunch of scenes up and art and character profiles for Horizon available including public posts so you can see what kinda queer fantastical nonsense you're getting into. Which is my favorite kind. ;) My goals include getting a good tablet so I can produce more quality art faster (coloring with a mouse is slow and painful and yes that's what I've been doing), free downloadable posters for patrons, and even ultimately meet-ups!

So that's the State of the Gorgon! Doing great and catching up while democracy crumbles around me. Weee!

Join me on this adventure in escapism and the fight against perfectionism as having patrons keeps me from sitting on my work and fussing with it until I'm old and grey-er. 💙

Stay Curious, Urban Legends!


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